Hi a chairde,
We are delighted to be relaunching our annual golf outing – we’re heading to the picturesque Bearna Golf Club on Friday 5th August for a 4 person Champagne Scramble!
Tee times 10am to 4pm – Cost €200 per team. Fantastic prizes on offer. Lá iontach a bheidh ann!
All funds raised will go directly towards our new pitch in Tonabrocky. Please spread the word – your support is much appreciated!
>Select the best drive and each players drops a ball and plays out from there
>Each player must use at least 3 drives
>Each player plays their own ball on Par 3s
>Record the two best Stapleford scores to count on each hole
>Max course handicap Men 24 and ladies 36
Contact Anna 0874145135 for more information and to book your spot!
Rathún/Caisleán Nua abú